Weaving Charity Tartans

A Labour of Love 


Unlike mass-produced textiles, weaving a distinctive, unique tartan for a national charity and worthy of approval by the Lord Lyon is far from an exact science. It involves a blend of skill, patience, and passion, particularly when it is produced traditionally in small Scottish mills that also juggle the responsibility of maintaining stocks of over one thousand registered tartans.

At the heart of these mills are the master weavers and artisans. These individuals are not just workers but custodians of an age-old craft. Many of them contribute to this project in their spare time, driven by a deep commitment to the charity that the tartan represents. Their dedication is a testament to the importance of this work, both as a cultural heritage and a charitable endeavour. 

The looms used in our mills are traditional, requiring a level of expertise that only these master weavers possess. This approach, while time-intensive, ensures that each length of tartan is imbued with a level of quality and care that is simply unmatched. It is for this reason that internationally known luxury brands weave their fine wools within these mills.

We ask for your patience and understanding as we create something truly exquisite together. The finished product is a reflection of our commitment to quality and authenticity. When you finally receive your unique tartan, you'll hold a piece of Scottish history and craftsmanship in your hands, a product not just of threads and dyes but of dedication, skill, and a passion for preserving a timeless tradition. 

Current Charity Tartans: (Updated 30th November, 2023)

Ukraine Forever is COMPLETE and remaining orders are being dispatched now.

Curaidh is nearing completion : Rest assured that your Pre-Order is safe with us, and as each small batch is complete, we will dispatch without delay. As an overall guideline, 80% of the project will be delivered by the end of 2023,and all pre-orders will be completed by early 2024 at the latest.